Transitions & Moved the Twitter Giveaway

I’m so happy to see you all coming to visit my small area of the Net. Welcome! And most of you have been so incredibly cool about the news regarding my pen name. I will continue to write as both Rinda and Dani. This way, you’ll know you’re getting a hot story if you pick up Dani.

I made the transition to erotic romance writing sound easy and trust me, it hasn’t been. I’ve been writing many, many years and come so incredibly close to publishing more times than I like to admit. One of these days I’ll share, but some of the stories smart a little still. Who am I kidding? There  are a few lingering open wounds. 😉

In everything I write, there has always been a romance and I’ve always LOVED writing sexual tension, so the decision to up the hot factor wasn’t that hard. I usually just heat things up until I’m blushing like crazy. But, I also love a good story, love creating characters it isn’t always easy to like at first, love creating the worlds around my characters. Hell, I just love writing and I sincerely hope there will be readers who enjoy what I create.

I said I was doing a Twitter giveaway yesterday but decided I hogged enough of Twitter with my new release giddiness. (And my friends-who are awesome and have been waiting years for me to have news–made the day so incredibly fun!) So I moved the giveaway to this weekend.

Until then, you can always comment to win a copy at The Deadline Dames.

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